We are a nonprofit that serves and supports African Immigrant and Refugee survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking in Washington DC.

The Story of The Person Center, An Introduction to Who We Are
A Person-Centered Approach is a Trauma-Informed Approach.
Every individual carries the weight of their past with them in the present, but we here at The Person Center believe that with a community of support – no one should be left to carry those burdens into their future. Our traumas are long-lasting, inexplicable, and at times recurring throughout lifetimes and across generations. But the equitable provision and access to appropriate care and support, can change the course of living with trauma completely – and offer an opportunity of recovery and an avenue towards hope for all.
The Person Center understands that African Immigrant and Refugee Survivors must have access to resources and care that honors
- Linguistic Inclusivity
- Diverse Cultural and Religious Awareness
- Holistic and Step-by-Step Advocacy
- Trauma-Informed and Person-Centered Care
- Equitable and Comprehensive Resources for Socioeconomic, Health, and Legal Needs
- Integration of Immigration Status and Disabilities into Accessibility
- Intersectional Justice and Systems Change in Domestic Violence Response

The Story of TPC and Our Founder Amelia Missieledies
As a dedicated social worker, Amelia Missieledies was a staple leader in addressing the needs of a community ravaged by trauma from migration, conflict or war, and interpersonal violence. Missieledies regularly saw that African Immigrant survivors were left out of the conversation of domestic violence response. As an advocate she spoke out, with courage and determination, about the trials and obstacles survivors faced. She called on community leaders, public figures, lawmakers, and everyday people to do more and to make survivors a priority. She was a catalyst for change, and she was never going to stop until her vision of restoration and healing for all survivors became a reality. Amelia championed this mission, and fought until the very end to ensure that no matter their documentation status, country of origin, race or ethnicity, religion, or culture – not a single survivor is ever left alone on their journey to recovery again.
With TPC, all who choose, may rest and be restored under the shade of Amelia’s ever-growing Acacia tree