Lul Mohamud, MPH
Lul Mohamud is a proud Somali-American Muslim woman, born and raised by Somali immigrant parents in the DC metro area. As a young student in her undergraduate career, Lul Mohamud was recruited by the late Amelia Missieledies to complete an internship at The Person Center where she focused on community outreach and demographic assessment. She worked directly with the DC area’s African immigrant communities to connect them with resources and services provided by TPC.
Inspired by her work with TPC, Lul embarked on a new student leadership role as chair of a student organization against sexual and partner violence at Boston University. Serving for three years as chair, she successfully developed and led workshops and campaigns for thousands of students and community members. And as a multifaceted student leader, she contributed to multiple forums at colleges and universities to address the sociopolitical factors and health-related impacts of the sexual violence public health crisis. Upon completing her Bachelor’s of Arts in Neuroscience and African American Studies from Boston University, she embarked on her journey to public service and community development through the intersections of science, public health, and social justice.
Lul completed a Masters of Public Health in Global Health and Community Health Development with a certificate in Mental Health from Emory University’s Rollins School of Public Health. During her graduate studies, Lul grew as a global and public health practitioner utilizing her advocacy and community development experiences to push forward the true narrative and experiences of survivors of gender-based violence. During her years in Atlanta, GA, Lul worked with Mental Health America of Georgia in community outreach and public policy advocacy. With MHAG, she developed trauma-informed resources on mental health challenges spread across the state and continued advocacy work at the state level for policy reform supporting survivors with mental health challenges.
Lul focuses her global health work on trauma response and prevention through the institution of restorative and reformative justice for survivors of interpersonal, structural, and generational violence both domestic and abroad. Lul not only made this her personal mission but the purpose of her work – as she sought to change the systems and cycles of violence that plagued generations of lives including those of the people she was born and raised beside. Moving into serving as ED of TPC, under the immense legacy of Amelia Missieledies who not only shaped but inspired her experience, Lul is prepared and dedicated to supporting survivors of domestic violence in the African Immigrant and Refugee community and leading both systemic and cultural change to better the lives of a community she calls her own.